Personal Data Protection

Your privacy is our priority

Our personal data protection rules comply with GDPR and represent our commitment to protect your sensitive information. With us, you can be sure that your data will be managed with care and respect, and that you will have the ability to manage your privacy settings.

Basic principles of personal data processing

In processing clients’ personal data, Elysee Dental particularly adheres to these principles:

  • processes personal data while complying with all obligations imposed by legal regulations.”
  • proceeds fairly and transparently in processing personal data, aiming to limit the purposes and scope of processing personal data to the necessary
  • informs clients concisely, succinctly, and without superfluous information, so that the information is understandable to the client.
  • Elysee Dental ensures that the client does not suffer harm to their rights, especially the right to human dignity.
  • Elysee Dental will provide the client with information about the processing of personal data before initiating a contractual relationship or providing a service directly on the client’s account.

Purpose/s, scope, and duration of personal data processing

1. The processor processes clients’ personal data in this scope:

  • client’s identification data, especially name, surname, title, contact addresses and telephone connection, for an individual entrepreneur further their trade name, distinguishing supplement or other designation, place of business, and identification number,
  • client’s contact details, especially email address, telephone number,
  • information from external sources, especially publicly accessible registers, such as the commercial register, insolvency register,
  • information from conducted surveys, which Elysee Dental uses for understanding client’s opinion on existing products and advertisements, or to find out which services the client is interested in,
  • information from social networks,
  • direct marketing (based on consent given for processing of personal data),
  • records of communication with clients,
  • personal data of third parties associated with the client, especially name, surname, title, date of birth, birth number, dental imprint processed only for the purpose of making dental replacements

2. Elysee Dental processes clients’ personal data for these purposes:

  • Realization of the contractual relationship
    Processing of personal data is necessary for proper fulfillment of rights and obligations arising Elysee Dental  from the contractual relationship with the client (e.g., preparation of the contractual relationship, executing trades, control of contract performance.)
  • Fulfillment of obligations stipulated by legal regulations
  • Processing of personal data for this purpose is necessary because the processing is imposed by law or another generally binding legal regulation (e.g., it involves fulfilling the obligation to proceed cautiously, fulfilling notification obligations towards public authorities, fulfilling obligations related to the execution of decisions, fulfilling archival obligations); these regulations include, in particular, the following:- Act No. 563/1991 Coll., on Accounting
    –  possibly based on legal regulations that replace the above-mentioned regulations.
    –  Elysee Dental processes personal data for this purpose to the extent specified by the relevant legal regulation. The company Elysee Dental  is entitled for this purpose to make and keep copies of all documents, documents, and other materials provided by the Client, in accordance with the relevant contract and its appendices and relevant legal regulations. The company Elysee Dental processes personal data for this purpose for the period specified by the relevant legal regulations.
    –  Processing of personal data is necessary for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 2 of this article to the specified extent, and for these purposes, the Client is obliged to provide his personal data to the company Elysee Dental ; refusal to provide personal data may result in not concluding a contract or inability to provide the client with a service or product, as well as other consequences determined by legal regulations.
  • Direct marketing
  • In the case that the Client has given the company Elysee Dental consent to process personal data for direct marketing, our company will process the data for sending commercial and non-commercial messages to the provided email address, following personal data: name and surname, personal email address.

Informing about providing personal data to third parties

The company Elysee Dental  may pass on the personal data of its Clients only to state supervisory bodies, and other persons to whom the company Elysee Dental is obliged to make personal data accessible based on legal regulations – especially government authorities, courts, bodies active in criminal proceedings., supervisory bodies, executors, notaries (judicial commissioners), insolvency administrators, etc.

Client’s data for the purposes of direct marketing are not shared with any third parties and are exclusively processed for direct marketing by the company Elysee Dental.

Source of personal data

Elysee Dental obtains personal data in its activities:

  • directly from the Client when negotiating the conclusion of a trade or provision of service and during their subsequent realization,
  • from publicly accessible registers, lists, and records (commercial register, trade register, land registry, public telephone directory) and from other public sources (including information from social networks and the internet that the Client himself publishes),
  • from the inquiry form filled out on the website of the company Elysee Dental.

Method of processing personal data

Elysee Dental processes the Client’s personal data using automated means and manually.

Duration of processing personal data

Personal data are processed for the duration specified by law or for the duration of the contract

Rights of the data subject

Right to access personal data

The Client is entitled to request Elysee Dental for access to their personal data, especially about information on the processing of their personal data containing always at least the statement on the purpose of processing personal data, scope and content of personal data (e.g., list), possibly categories of personal data that are subject to processing, including all available information about their source, the nature of automated processing in connection with its use for decision-making, if based on this processing actions or decisions are made whose content is an intervention into the right and legitimate interests of the data subject and recipients, possibly categories of recipients of personal data.

Right to correct personal data

The Client is entitled to object to incorrect or unauthorized processing of personal data and is entitled to request correction or completion of these personal data. In such a case, the company Elysee Dental is obliged to inform the recipient without undue delay about the request of the data subject.
Rights in case of violation of obligations stipulated by law on the protection of personal data

The Client is entitled in case of violation of obligations by the company Elysee Dental concerning the collection or processing of these personal data to request the company Elysee Dental provide an apology or other satisfaction at its own expense, so that personal data can be blocked or destroyed (except for personal data that the company Elysee Dental is obliged to collect and process based on legal regulations).

“Cookie” files on the company’s website

The company Elysee Dental uses cookies on its website These are small text files consisting of a series of numbers and letters that are stored on the Client’s computer hard drive via web browsing and at the same time can uniquely identify the computer and IP address of the Client.

The company Elysee Dental uses cookies when analyzing the use of websites using Google Analytics. The purpose is the statistical analysis of websites. The company Elysee Dentals website can be viewed even without cookies, but in this case, its functionality may be partially limited. Clients are recommended not to block cookies in their browser. In case of preventing the storage of a cookie file on the computer, it is necessary for the Client to change the browser settings. Cookies can be deleted by the Client at any time or will not be stored in case of certain browser settings.